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Tishrei 5785

Welcome to the Mitzvah Motivators/Mercaz Daf Yomi (MDY)

O’Fishel Mitzvah Motivators

 Sanhedrin Incentive Program

Get Your Head In Sanhedrin

It’s About The Yomi


Thank you for your interest in joining MDY, the world’s largest Daf Yomi!  

This incentive program is specifically geared toward new Daffers* in the USA.  However, anyone who is metzuveh in Talmud Torah, ages 10-119**, is welcome to join Reb Eli Stefansky’s MDY Shiurim and the WhatsApp Chat.




In order to qualify for the O’Fishel’s Mitzvah Motivators Financial Incentive, You Must:

·        Read all rules and FAQs 

·        Complete application below.

·        Once your application has been approved, you will be invited to join the Mitzvah Mo MDY Sanhedrin WhatsApp group. 

·        Watch the ENTIRE Daf daily with MDY Daf Yomi, from Maseches Sanhedrin 2-117, (December 19 through April 9) either in real time or recorded at regular speed.

·        Post that you watched and listened to the entire Daf every day on the Whatsapp group, including the day's Daf (ex. Daf 44 complete).  You have until the following evening of the day’s Daf to document your learning (ex. Monday’s Daf must be learned and documented by Tuesday evening). For Shabbos, documentation must be posted within 48 hours from the conclusion of Shabbos. Failure to learn or post in a timely fashion may disqualify you from the incentive.

·        Comment on the group at least twice a week, with a related question, answer, story, or point to ponder.


Here’s how the financial incentives work:

The first 250 participants who sign up and complete every Daf of Sanhedrin according to the rules will be sent $1,000 to the name and address on file within 2 weeks after the Masechta is completed, courtesy of Mitzvah Motivators and our generous Machzikei Torah supporters. Social Security numbers and signatures will be required at that time.

The next 250 participants will receive a minimum of $500, the following 250 will receive $250, etc. etc. The number of new Daffers receiving a larger stipend may be increased as a result of additional sponsorships.  Furthermore, participants in the second and subsequent brackets may be moved up on a first come first serve basis if there are participants who miss days of learning or posting and subsequently become ineligible for the incentive.

Early Bird Zerizim Makdimim Special: Early applicants, who join and begin documenting their learning by Monday, October 28, 2024 (Bava Basra 125), and do not miss a single day of learning with MDY or posting on the chat through the last day of Maseches Sanhedrin, are all guaranteed the $1,000 incentive, regardless of the number of participants.

Those who are ineligible to join for the financial incentive, are still encouraged to join the program for its chizuk and camaraderie, receive perks, and will be invited to the Grand Siyum in Baltimore (transportation not included!).


What should I do if I missed a day, Chalila, due to extenuating circumstances?

All questions regarding extenuating circumstances or clarifications of rules must be sent to The most important thing to do is keep on Daffing, even while you are waiting for a response - It's About The Yomi! 

How will I know which financial incentive tier I am in?

You will be notified once your application is approved. Please do not contact any sponsors, volunteers, administrators, their advertising agencies, etc. for tier updates. You may be notified of any tier changes by private message.

May one contribute to the program? 

Sure! Each $1,000 contributed toward the program sponsors at least one Daffer learning an entire masechta. Larger grants may be publicly recognized. Any amount is accepted and appreciated! וכל המרבה הרי זה משובח. 

Contact us a for more information.

 Can we join as a Shul or other group? 

Any group which would like to participate can reach out to Rabbi Yisrael Motzen at (of Ner Tamid Congregation in Baltimore, where over 130 successful participants started learning Daf Yomi!) or  Rabbi Shmuel Rubin at (from the NY Capital Region, who also launched a popular program in his community) for advice and encouragement . Each participant must sign up individually.

Is this incentive program for real? Is it new? What geographic areas are eligible?

The incentives are real, and the benefits of learning Daf Yomi transcend any ethereal financial gain!

This program has been successfully implemented in parts of Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Eretz Yisrael. It’s now open for the entire USA! We welcome benefactors in other countries to fashion their own programs. If you are from another country and would like to sponsor such a program for your co-patriots, please contact us at


Join Now For A Life Changing Experience!

Happy Daffing!


Get Ahead In Sanhedrin Team:

M. Ashkenazi C. Fendrich E. Hefter Y. Klein J. Mirkin

Rabbi Y. Motzen S. Rosenberg T. Shear J. Staiman N. Cognito

F. Gross S. Gross SC Gross


Special thanks to R’ Eli Stefansky and the MDY team, who make this all possible!

* We define a ‘new daffer’ as one who has not learned or listened to 50% or more of a masechta as part of ANY Daf Yomi regimen since Brachos 2020.

** If you are 120, you will be completing the masechta in the Yeshiva Shel Maalah. By the way, make the most of your day!